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Thursday, May 27, 2010

What I've Been Listening To.

Christina Aguilera | Bionic

It's not amazing, but it's not terrible. Although a select few songs are TERRIBLE. I feel like she's trying too hard to be sexy with this album. She's best when she sings ballads, and that's what she should stick to. Like Beautiful or The Voice Within. Those were amazing songs. Not her singing about how her pussy is so wet and how guys like to lick it. Yuck, Xtina, that's gross. This album was like half ballad songs and half pop songs. She shouldn't do that anymore. I think she should either do a ballad album with one or two pop songs, or a pop album with one or two ballads. Not half and half, making the album 18 tracks long. No thanks, Christina. I love you, but that's too many songs to sit through, especially when most of them aren't very good.

Selena Gomez | Kiss & Tell

It's been out for a long time now, but I just really enjoy this album. It's fun and upbeat. She's not singing about how she's fucking bitches up, or how she's getting fucked up...obviously. But I really really like it. I Got U is probably my favorite song on this album. It has a funky beat, which I like. I always love my Disney girls. They're one of my favorites.

Uffie | Sex Dreams & Denim Jeans

First discovering Pop the Glock on YouTube, I have been waiting for her album to come out. This is a fantastic album. It's a lot of fun. Definitely better than the song leaks that I have been hearing. I would give the album a 7/10. That's just my opinion. But I love this album. It's great. She adds a funky/electro beat to her music, and it makes me want to sway my hips. Sexy.

Lindsay Lohan | Stuck - Single

I will always and forever be a Lindsay Lohan fan. Even if she's cracked-out and dying because she ate glass, I would still adore her. The crack whore look really works for her. Obviously, she looked best during Mean Girls era, and right after, but I think this look isn't terrible on her. She's cuter than Ali Lohan, definitely. Ali looks like a grandma, and not the cute ones either. But Stuck by Lindsay is definitely one of my favorite songs at the moment. It leaked a while ago, but I love it...even if it barely sounds like it's her singing it. [=

B.o.B. featuring Hayley Williams | Airplanes - Single

Definitely my jam at the moment. I love this song. Mainly because I absolutely adore Hayley Williams. She's an amazing artist, and I love Paramore. Their latest album, Brand New Eyes, is definitely well done. They have consistency in their music, and always release great albums. But back to the main point, Airplanes is a great song. Even if everyone updates the lyrics as their statuses, I'll always love this song. Hayley has a great and unique voice, and really adds to the song. If it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't like this song as much. Sorry, B.o.B., but Hayley definitely makes this song, for me.

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Passion In Life.

Mean Girls + My Bitches.

Nine Types of Personalities.

Which do you fit into? I'm mainly Type 7, followed by Type 2, then Type 3.

Type 7 - The Adventurer.

Type 2 - The Helper.

Type 3 - The Achiever.

Click Here to find out your personality type!

I'm too lazy to actually write a blog about this. Sorry! Enjoy!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Over It.

That's how I feel about this.
I'm over it.
It's almost a relief to feel this way.
As sad as it is, I think it's better off this way.
Poisonous is what it could have been described as.
Have a wondrous life.
Do some growing up while you're at it.
I don't care for your lies anymore.
The fake smiles, the fake hugs.
Your fake attitude.
I hope that when you do find yourself, that it's not too late.
You better appreciate who you have.
And you should show them how much you appreciate them.
Or else they'll do the same and leave you.
No wonder why so many people come in and out of your life.
It's not them. It's you.
You're the reason why they leave.
Not everyone who comes into your life is an asshole.
You're an adult now.
Grow up.
You can't expect to not do anything and be rewarded for it.
I hope you catch yourself before you hurt yourself.
I don't hate you.
But I don't like you, either.
We're better off this way.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friends Forever.

Out of all of the friends I've ever had and lost, I'm going to miss you the most. I love you so much, Kitty. I hope that you're doing well. Don't ever forget me.
You never judged me. You always loved me. You came back to me no matter what. You came into my life by sheer luck, and you were unfortunately taken from me too early. I apologize for anything that I've done to you. I should have taken you to get checked before it was too late. I hope you forgive me. I know you will because you always have. But I can't help but to feel as if it's my fault.
I miss the way you purred. I miss the various ways you fell asleep. I miss your meows. I miss the way you slept on my bed with me every night.
I know you won't be reading this from where you are, but hopefully releasing it into the universe will put my soul at ease. You were the best friend I could ever ask for and I'll miss you for the rest of my life. I cry for you more and more every week. I can't ever express how much you mean to me. It breaks my heart to think about how unfairly your life was taken from you. The moment I realized you were really gone, I couldn't help but to cry and hold you as closely as I could. Nobody could ever replace you, my friend. Please take care of yourself. I'll see you when the time arrives.

This was the last picture ever taken of you, and I miss you every time I look at it.

You're my very best friend. And I will miss you so much for the rest of my life.

Kitty | October 2005 - February 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Realization of Stupidity.

It's not that I've been feeling sad about it. It's that I can't believe I've put myself through that much shit, that upsets me. Right from the beginning, I knew it wouldn't work out. Right from the beginning, I saw the end in sight. Why did I go through with it? Hopeful optimism, may be to blame. As I said before, I don't feel sad about what happened. I'm glad things worked out the way they did, actually. I'm just reflecting on my naivety.

Lies after lies, I let it happen to me. Did I ever question it? Many, many, many times. Did I ever say anything? No.

You see, I fear being alone. Whether I admit to it or not, I am. I fear living a lonely life. It's not how I want things to happen.

This feeling of fear had overtaken my life. I had to break free. And so I did. Once it ended, I felt a weight lifted from my shoulders. A sort of calm state of mind settled into place. The air of countless hours of fighting had finally cleared. I was free. Free to make life happen the way I wanted it to. Free to go out with friends of my choosing. I'm so glad that I finally just said "no more" and walked away from it all. I'm so glad that I finally built up the courage to be alone.

I think the clearing of weeds in the garden is a good way to look at this situation. As beautiful and vibrant as dandelions are, they're pests in my garden and lawn. The clearing of them is necessary for the growth and production of other plants. Maybe not all at once, because that can't be healthy for your lawn. But at a steady rate, in order for others to flourish.

Maybe overcoming your fears isn't as hard as you may think. Take the necessary steps to overcome that hump. I know that I did, and I found something magnificent on the other side. It's all about taking that first step.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Can't Be Tamed

SOOOO good. Much better than Christina's.