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Friday, August 27, 2010

Day Six - A Stranger.

Dear My Future,

I don't know what you are. I don't know who you are. I sure do wonder though. All the time, I might add. What are you? Where are you? I feel like I know you so well, but I am so unsure of everything that you are. I hope to meet you soon. I know that we'll be the best of friends. I trust you more than I trust myself. Please take good care of me.

Love always,


Text Message Relationships.

Is it love if it's said over text message? Sure, the idea is thrown out there. But without the voice or emotions to back it up, is it truly as good as hearing it for yourself? That's the debate.

"I love you. <3" just isn't as good as "I am so in love with you" being said over the phone. I guess it's just a personal opinion, but I absolutely adore silence over the phone. Just knowing that the other person is on the other end of the line gives me a sense of comfort and security. If the person you love were to die this very moment, would you be satisfied with their last text message that probably reads, "What are you doing?"? Or would you wish you would have been able to hear their voice before they had died? A simple "I love you :)" doesn't mean anything unless the other person feels it. Sure, you can send them that hundreds of times a day, but without your voice telling them, how are they supposed to understand the message? It's the tone of your voice that really makes that "I love you" worthwhile.

You can feel love with all of your heart and try to convey it via text message, but the love doesn't send along with the text. Just keep that in mind, all of you text messagers.

By the way, I would never trade that conversation I just had with you for the world. 12:50 AM, August 27, 2010.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Speaking of Dreams...

"I was in a van with someone, and we were trying to get across a bridge that lifts in half. It started lifting while we were on the way up, and by the time we got to the top it was completely vertical so we just toppled over the edge and plunged straight into the water. The van didn't even splash or anything, it just sank really really fast, and all I could see were bubbles. I couldn't breathe and I opened my mouth and yelled your name because I wanted you to know that I loved you and I didn't want you to worry where I was because I had already accepted that I was going to die. Then I died and woke up and it was 4:45 AM."

This was a text that Tyler just sent me. Tehehehehe. YOU ARE JUST SO CUTE, aren't you?

Day Five - Your Dreams

Dearest Dreams,

I wish and I wish that you will come true, but how will they ever come true if I only wish? I will not wish for you anymore. I will work towards you. I will work towards achieving my dreams and goals in life. No matter what the workload is, I will accept it and move forward. Because that is what successful people do. They work in order to fulfill their dreams. I will work for you, Dream. Oh yes I will.

See you in the future,